Reviewing & Closing Tasks Process

General notes

As the task owner once you complete your work and have taken time to review your work; you are ready for the next step of having your work reviewed by a fellow team member. Use your best judgement along with these guidelines below. Should you have any questions or concerns please discuss with Nick.

For each task they will fall under a task type category such as: client sent task, technical task, general basic task and SEO tasks. The type of task will determine who should be doing a review for your work.

Simple tasks don’t need to be reviewed. For example changing a link, or editing content, or changing images, please just be diligent and check your work properly and then close the task.

Tasks that should be reviewed: page additions, webform updates, phone number updates, more extensive updates that take more than 2 hours.

After review and cleared to close the tasks will be sent back to the original owner to do any final steps (client communications, updating Nick etc.) and then the task can be closed as appropriate.

Task types and who to assign:

  • Client sent task
    • If the client sends an update, and it’s less than 30 minutes of time, just double check your work before sending back to client. If it’s longer than 30 minutes, or you feel like you’d like you want a second set of eyes on it, then send it to a dev for a review. If the client gives the a-ok, you’re good to close the task.
  • Technical task
    • If it’s a more technical or intensive type of update, please assign Ivan or Adam to review.
  • General basic task
    • This would be for a basic website update, page addition, etc. please assign Adam or Valerie to review.
  • SEO
    • Any SEO type updates should be sent to Nick for review.

Process for task owner:

  • Once work is completed and you’ve checked your work thoroughly, assign the task to your reviewer and remove yourself from the task.
  • If reviewer finds issues, you will need to resolve the issues and then assign the same reviewer to do one more final check.
  • If everything looks good, you can close the task.

Process for reviewer:

  • Open task, read description and make sure you understand the task.
  • Review that the work is completed per the description. Be sure to clear cache, etc.
  • If you find any problems, mark the task with the Tag “review issue” and in the comments tag the task owner and add the details of the issues you discovered.
  • Remove yourself from the task and assign the original task owner again to fix the problems.

Important things to remember:

Please note that any item labeled with the tag ‘review issues’ must be retained indefinitely, even after the issues have been addressed. As leadership will be filtering by these tags.

Leadership process:

  • Leadership will be selecting several tasks to check once per week.