Commonly used command line prompts will live here.
Get size for all webapps on server (
Get a list of webapp directory sizes. Good to check this so we’re not using up space. More info on these commands here:
- Login to root of the server you need to know the WebApp sizes
- Use the command: du -sch /home/* | sort -h
- You should get a list that looks something like the below.
Get size of all files/folders for a specific webapp (
Get file size list of all files/folders in a specific directory.
- Navigation to your webapp dir of choice (login root, and basically: cd ../home/dirname/webapp)
- If you want to list the sizes of all files in the web application directory the command is: du -sch *| sort -h
Find load issues on server
- Server load issues need to be addressed in real-time.
- Use the command “top -c” and then press shift+p to sort the processes by CPU usage (shift+m for memory usage), this is helpful to find which web app is taking up resources.